


University of Alicante


SELENA - Seismic Loss Computation Engine

SELENA (Seismic Loss Estimation using a Logic Tree Approach) is a software tool for seismic risk and loss assessment using the engineering-based approach. It thereby relies on the principles of capacity spectrum methods (CSM) and follows the same approach as the loss estimation tool for the United States HAZUS-MH (FEMA, 2004). Unlike HAZUS, which is connected to the ArcGIS software (ESRI, Inc.), SELENA works independently of any Geographic Information System. In addition, a logic tree-computation scheme has been implemented in SELENA, which allows the user to define weighted input parameters and thus to properly account for epistemic uncertainties in all types of input data. Computation results are provided for each branch of the logic tree as well as statistical median values with corresponding confidence levels (+/- standard deviation).

SELENA is open for any user-defined input data and can therefore be applied to any built environment of the world. The user has to supply a number of input files that contain the necessary input data (e.g., building inventory data, demographic data, definition of seismic scenario etc.) in a simple pre-defined ASCII format. In order to allow an easy post-processing of computation results, all output files are also provided in plain ASCII format.

Based on the detailedness and availability of input and inventory information SELENA computes ground shaking maps for various spectral periods (PGA, Sa(0.3 s) and Sa(1.0 s), damage probabilities, absolute damage estimates (including Mean Damage Ratios MDR) as well as economic losses and numbers of casualties (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Principle flowchart of a deterministic analysis using SELENA. Outputs are provided on the level of geographical units.

Specification of the seismic input (demand)

In SELENA the provision of seismic demand can be done on three different ways:

Based on these acceleration values SELENA generates an elastic response spectrum (damping factor D = 5 %) following a selectable seismic code provision (Figure 2). Currently, the provisions of the U.S. seismic code IBC-2006 (International Code Council, 2006), Eurocode 8 – Type 1 and Type 2 (CEN, 2002) and Indian seismic building code IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2002 (BIS, 2002) with their soil amplification factors are incorporated.

Figure 2. Standard shape of the design response spectrum. ‘Corner’ periods TB, TC, and TD are either described by formula relations (IBC-2006) or given as tabular values (Eurocode 8 or IS 1893).

Structural performance under seismic action

In order to identify the so-called performance point on the building’s capacity curve, different user-selectable methodologies are implemented:

Figure 3. (left) Principle of the capacity spectrum method finding the performance point. (right) The respective spectral displacement is used to assign discrete damage probabilities on the fragility functions. Damage is classified into the damage states no, slight, moderate, extensive and complete as defined by FEMA (1999).

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