2010-10-01: A new development snapshot of SELENA released (a bug fix release). Binaries (mex-files, and oct-files) for win32 (with the oct-files build against the Octave 3.2.4 binary at and Linux x86_64 available (binaries + mex-files).
2010-09-21: A new development snapshot of SELENA released. Fixed (among other things) some critical bugs in the attenuation code. Binaries (mex-files, and oct-files) for win32 (with the oct-files build against the Octave 3.2.4 binary at and Linux x86_64 available (binaries + mex-files).
2010-09-07: A new development snapshot of SELENA released. Binaries for win32 (now also with oct-files build against the Octave 3.2.4 binary at and Linux x86_64 available.
2010-08-13: A new development snapshot of SELENA released (with mean damage ratio support).
2010-06-29: The SELENA-RISe webpage moved from NORSAR to
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