


University of Alicante


The SELENA–RISe Open Risk Package consists of the two separate software tools SELENA (Seismic Loss Estimation using a Logic Tree Approach) and RISe (Risk Illustrator for SELENA). While SELENA is the computational platform for earthquake damage and loss assessment for any given study area, RISe can be used in order to illustrate all geo-referenced input, inventory and output files on GoogleTM Earth. RISe thereby translates SELENA’s ASCII files into KML files that can be read by GoogleTM Earth.

Both tools are provided free of charge and are distributed under the GNU Public License (GPL). In addition to the accessibility of the source code, both tools are also provided with open documentation. This in terms of detailed technical user manuals that can be downloaded in various file formats or accessed online.

Though being open source the authors would appreciate if users make proper reference to SELENA and RISe in their reporting. Please advert to recent publications or user manuals.

Figure 1. Illustration of absolute damage extent disaggregated for building typology and geographical units using RISe (Lang & Gutiérrez C., 2010).


The development of SELENA and RISe was enabled through funding from the International Centre of Geohazards (ICG), NORSAR, the University of Alicante, as well as the SAFER and RESIS-II projects. Further support was received from INETER (Managua, Nicaragua) and the Technical University of Madrid (Spain).

01.07.2010 - dhl